

I am in no way affiliated with any of the following recommendations. This list has been inspired by what I have found personally helpful and accurate. There is a ton of useful information out there, and these are some of the greatest resources I have come across. Click on the underlined titles and it will take you straight to the source.


-Horsemanship Guidance-

Parelli Natural Horsemanship: One of the first fully comprehensive horsemanship programs available. They have put together an amazing curriculum. You will find that their principals and philosophies have echoed their way into almost every other training system that has followed. They pioneered a way for Natural Horsemanship to be mainstream, not just something that a select few subscribe to. The Parelli’s have made it their mission to help us grasp the concept that every horse is individual who deserves to be understood and related to in an intentional way.

Warwick Schiller- A very wonderful example of someone with loads of humility and who promotes a mindful, non-judgmental approach to training humans and horses. He also has an amazing podcast which hosts all of the great horsemen and women of this era. A must for all of us to explore.

Mustang Maddy- An accomplished horsewomen in her own right. She does work in both positive and negative reinforcement but has a heavy emphasis on +R. She is very versed in equine behavior and also human emotional triggers. Wonderful for those looking to explore +R from someone that has a wide range of experience.

The Willing Equine- Purely +R, welcoming and a wealth of knowledge around ethical and best practices when it comes to equine welfare and training. Another wonderful space to learn from and gather information.

Emma Massingale- She is pure inspiration. Her YouTube channel is wildly fascinating and unique. From camping solo on an island with six horses, to riding bridleless with her cat in a backpack while her dog and mini horse run free. She is a true horsewomen who shares her innovative ways of developing deep connection with every one of her animals. I Love her work.


Horse Brain Human Brain: The Neuroscience of Horsemanship by Janet L. Jones PhD- Great read and a wonderful collection of research based information. Very thought provoking and some great functional exercises.

Evidence Based Horsemanship by Dr. Stephen Peters & Martin Black- An exceptional little book highlighting how horses actually think and learn. A must read.

55 Corrective Exercises For Horses by Jec Aristotle Ballou- This one is super cool. All about the physical body of the horse, how it works and how to help your horse stay as physically sound as possible. A complete collection of fitness exercises that support the quality of the horses life. Highly reccomend

Beyond Horse Massage (Masterson Method) by Jim Masterson- Cant go wrong with the information provided. The method is simple, easy to implement and the results are profound! Everyone and every horse will benefit from this information.

-Personal Empowerment Guidance-


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course- If you are looking for something transformative, this is one of the best resources available,. The best part is that it’s all free, self paced, and always being added to!! I cant recommend this one enough. It is evidence based and modeled after Jon Kabat-Zinn’s course at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. A true gift!

Huberman Lab Podcast- A wealth of information, is a dramatic understatement. Andrew Huberman is a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His mission is to provide free information through his platforms. He educates us on how the mind and body work together. It is beyond fascinating and extremely useful in understanding what is happening within our bodies at a given time.


How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera- The Holistic Psychologist- THIS, is a must have if you desire to understand how conditioning throughout our lives affects our thoughts, patterns and beliefs. With actionable exercises it really is like a therapist in a book. Opens the door to true healing and transformation.